Audubon Everglades Photography Group (AEPG) is open to all Audubon Everglades members for no additional cost. However, to become a member of our AEPG, please register to receive all information and to participate. Details are below.
Membership in both Audubon Everglades (AE) and AEPG is from September to May. So at the end of each season, after you renew your membership in Audubon Everglades, please remember to send an email to AEPG at: with your name, email address, and phone number so that you can be kept updated on ALL AEPG events, critique sessions and possible field trips.
- To be informed of all photography presentations, workshops, and field trips
- To submit your photographs for the Critique Sessions
- To post on our AEPG Facebook page
If you are an AE member and want to participate in AEPG, please register by sending an email; include your first and last name, email address, and phone number (inside the body of the email). Send this email to:
If you have not yet joined Audubon Everglades, please follow this link.
NOTE: Access to post on the AEPG Facebook page requires registration in the AEPG.
Submitting Your Photographs to be Critiqued
The program we use to submit photographs to Critique Sessions, “PhotoContestPro,” is based on individual email addresses as UserIDs.
If you joined Audubon Everglades as a “Household” and both of you wish to submit photographs for critique, each of you must have an individual email address because our critique program will only accept one name per email address. See chart below.
Each individual email address is allowed to submit a limited amount of photographs. If you share a “joint” email address, you will have to split, between the two of you, the total allotment of photographs permitted. See Critique Session page for more information.
To Register to Submit Your Photographs to be Critiqued | |
Info to Include in Email: | First and last name, email address, & phone number |
If you joined as a Household, your options are: | Create a new email address for one of you or split the amount of photographs you enter under one of your names with the joint email address. |
Household Option 1: Create a new email address | If you choose option 1, email us:
Household Option 2: Keep the shared, joint email and split the amount of photographs you submit |
If you choose option 2, email us:
Where to send your registration email | Email your registration request to: |
- Please note that it may take up to 7 days for your information to be processed, which may affect your ability to, submit photographs to an upcoming critique session.
- In summary: The software program we are using for critiques (PhotoContestPro) uses email addresses as UserIDs and will not accept the same email address for two different people. Please reference the chart above for options.
Currently, all AE Photography Group meetings are conducted through Zoom, and attendance is limited to Audubon Everglades members. However
- Guests are welcome to attend up to two consecutive group meetings but may NOT submit photos to critique sessions or participate in discussions as only AE members are eligible.
- If you wish to attend an AEPG Zoom meeting as a guest, please email: and include your first and last name and request the link to attend (but not participate in) the next Zoom meeting.
Until further notice all meetings will be conducted remotely using ZOOM.
- Most meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month with a possible additional Workshop interspersed, from September through June. See our Calendar page.
- Zoom meetings begin with “social time” at 6:45 P.M. and meeting starts at 7:00 P.M.
- The link for the ZOOM meetings will be sent to all AE members and guests who have registered in AEPG the week before the meeting. Guests should request an invitation link to the Zoom meeting (see “Guest” section above). Please do not share this link with non-members.