The Audubon Everglades Photography Group (AEPG) meetings are on the SECOND Thursday of each month. Calendar entries are updated to reflect the upcoming events. Any subsequent changes will be posted on this calendar and announced to members by email. As programs are held and recorded, videos are linked to the calendar program date in case members missed the meeting or want to review in more detail.
This section contains the list of all scheduled AEPG events: programs, critique sessions, field trips, workshops, and photo shares.
Unless indicated otherwise, all programs, critique sessions, workshops, and photo share sessions will be held remotely using ZOOM. Members may log onto the ZOOM session from 6:45pm through 7:00pm for “social time” before the program begins. Field trips will be held when opportunities are identified.
Mon13Jan20207:00 pm1925 Birkdale Dr, Wellington, FL 33414
Photoshop, Lightroom, Elements, and Mac programs will be explained and demonstrated on how to optimize your images. Bring 3 images on a flash drive.
Mon24Feb20207:00 pm1925 Birkdale Dr, Wellington, FL 33414
Judge: Joe Marshall
Mon27Apr20207:00 pm1925 Birkdale Dr, Wellington, FL 33414
Judge: Art Silverglate
Mon19Oct20207:00 pmZOOM
Welcome to the new AEPC. This meeting kicks off our new Photography Club.
Presentation Gardening for Wildlife & Backyard Photography by: Alan Chin Lee. In addition to the presentation, after the meeting Alan added a PDF file listing the plants featured at the kickoff meeting presentation: _Gardening for Wildlife 10-2020
Mon16Nov20207:00 pmZOOM
Guest Photographer: Mike Cohen. Mike is an extraordinary wildlife photographer, who guided us on how to improve our photography through his insightful critiques of our work. For years he has devoted himself full time to producing gorgeous wildlife photographs from around the world. To learn more about Mike, please check out his website at
A copy of the critique session can be found by clicking on this link